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Class fees are transferable to the next scheduled class of the scheduled year ONLY, and only if there is room.  Class fees are non-refundable.

There is no email receipt sent when slots are purchased.  Class instructions will be sent out approximately one week before the class.  Please email or call if you have any questions.

Defensive Rifle

Thanks to the on-going gun scares, it seems almost ever man, woman and child has purchased an AR type, AK type or semi-auto rifle (because of some Karens out there - lets be clear - children cant purchase rifles. They can still learn to shoot).  Congratulations, they are fun to shoot.  With that being said, IF you have purchased this type of rifle, have you put more thanone box of ammunition thru it since it was purchased?  This course is designed to give you the skills and confidence to use this type of rifle in a defensive situation from 10 to 100 yards.  In this class you will learn how to:

  • Load and unload

  • Zero your rifle 

  • Clear malfunctions

  • Use effective dry fire training

  • Explore concepts of cover and concealment

  • Utilize low light operations

  • Use primary to secondary weapon transition

  • You will learn to shoot quickly, accurately and more!

 Class starts at 8:30 am and finishes at approximately 4:30.

Course requirements are:  

  • Semi-automatic rifle (AR15, AK, Mini-14, FAL, etc) with sling and iron and/or optical sites - zeroed before the class

  • Rifle - 250 rounds rifle ammunition, 10 dummy rifle rounds (this is a max amount, classes are typically less) 

  • 4 rifle magazines and 1 rifle magazine holder 

  • Pistol with 2 pistol magazines, a strong belt, pistol holster, pistol magazine holder 

  • 25 rounds pistol ammunition

  • Eye and ear protection 

  • Adequate clothes for the weather (we shoot rain or shine) 

  • Sunscreen

  • Notebook

  • Adequate water and lunch.

If you would like to take the class but do not have all the equipment, please let us know - we can rent out equipment to get you squared away.

Look here for dummy rounds:

Let us know if you can't find ammo - we have sources that can help.  Class size is limited to the first 10 registrants.  Students should be 16 years or older.  Pre-registration is required.  Tuition is $120 per student.

For further information or to register, call Scott at 406-493-2302 or Nate at 406-207-4160 or email  See for registration and payment thru paypal.


Class info will be emailed the week before the class.  

To register by email, send an email to the address below and provide:

US Mail or residence address, including City, State and Zip
Contact phone number
Further class information will be supplied by phone or return email.

Rifles and rifle gear can be rented for $30 per day.
Pistols and gear can be rented for $20 per day.

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