Keith Garcia
Multigun Class
Champions are made in practice.
To maximize your potential in any sport you have to practice. Knowing HOW and WHAT to practice is the key. 3 gun is a versatile sport with many different challenges. Join one the countries best 3 gunners, Keith Garcia, as he shows you how to prepare for your peak performance. Gear review and set-up, draws, loads, transitions, movement and more. There are no secrets only the most efficient way to do things. Being smooth and efficient is the key to improving your scores. This class will focus on three main areas to help you improve: Shooting, Weapon Manipulation and Transitions. The class is technique and drill based. Note taking is encouraged.
Required items:
500 rounds rifle and 500 rounds pistol ammo
250 rounds bird shot
Gun belt with holster, mag pouches and shotshell holder required.
Working rifle, pistol and shotgun.
Class fee is $600
Can you spread the word? If we don’t have the numbers by end of December, we will have to cancel the class. Please call my cell at 406-493-2302 or email at to reserve your spot in the class and if you have any questions.
Scott Giesick
Mike Seeklander Classes - Aug 18, 19, 20
Competition Handgun Prep and Stage SIGN UP HERE
August 27, 2022
Open to: Anyone (must be classified in USPSA or IDPA)
Note: This class is a two day class where the students will shoot with Mike Seeklander on the second day in the section match. To get squadded with Mike, you can contact Mike Shapiro at this email address:
Course Description: Your foundation is solid, however, new skills still await you. Are your fundamentals wired tight enough to perform well on the X-drill’s? This course will introduce you to them. Movement is a huge key in competing at higher levels and this course will show you how to move through a stage without wasting time. This course will also include a second day of shooting the actual stages on the sectional match. Learn from Mike as he coaches you through an actual match!
Class Learning Objectives:
Fundamental and X-Drill Series
Competition Movements
Stage Theory
Short stage movement techniques
Long stage movement techniques
Day Two the students will shoot as a squad in the sectional
And More!
Required Gear:
Serviceable handgun and magazines (2-3) or speed loaders (2-3)
Handgun carry gear (we recommend your daily carry holster and gear)
500 rounds of ammunition (*this is just for the Saturday class, NOT the match make sure you have enough for the match)
Electronic ear muffs (not mandatory, but HIGHLY recommended, check out Impact Sport brand)
Firearms rated eye protection
Personal comfort items (chair, water, snacks, sunscreen, etc.)
Notebook and pen
Course Description: This course is a piece of Seeklanders total training system that reinforces the techniques covered in his book Your Defensive Handgun Training Program. The program will take your shooting to the next level. The full training system is like nothing else available today, focusing on not only the execution of skills but in the critical process to properly train those skills and subsequently improve your results. This class INCLUDES a downloadable version of the training drill AND videos for you to follow in your training once you have graduated class. Self-defense context is also thoroughly covered in this program, defining the distance related concepts of a fight with a handgun. This course is ideal for anyone who carries a handgun for combative (self-defense) purposes, and will benefit both the novice as well as experienced shooters. It is the pre-requisite course for those wishing to take other Shooting-Performance advanced handgun courses. This course includes a free video download of all of the essential drills!
Class Learning Objectives:
Principles of Adult Learning
Heart Rate Management /Combat Breathing
Self Defense Observe, Orient, and Defend Principles
Mental Preparation for the Fight
Physical Preparation for the Fight
Legal Preparation for the Fight
Principles of an Effective Training Program
Carry Gear and Firearm Setup
Principles of Dry Fire Training (manipulation training)
Principles of the Firing Cycle (high performance marksmanship)
Live Fire Micro and Macro Drills (firing cycle)
Low Light Handgun Operation (practical application limited by the range)
Concepts of a Proper Live Fire Training Session
Required Gear:
Serviceable handgun and magazines (2-3) or speed loaders (2-3)
Handgun carry gear (we recommend your daily carry holster and gear)
1200 rounds of ammunition *Note, this is an estimated quantity due to the unique flexibility of the program, students may shoot more or less
10 rounds of dummy ammunition (your caliber)
Concealing garment (if you carry concealed)
Firearms rated eye and ear protection
Personal comfort items (chair, water, snacks, sunscreen, etc.)
Defensive Pistol I has given you the skills necessary prepared you for to excel in this course. Do you realize that many fights may take place within several feet from you? You should, because they can and do. Having the ability to use your defensive handgun skills and engage threats within 1-3 yards without using a position that might cause you to lose your gun is incredibly important. Learn how to operate and shoot your handgun from close and extreme close quarters positions before you get into a situation where you might need those skills! This course includes a free video download of all of the essential drills!
Class Learning Objectives:
Distance lecture (what is too close)
Close quarters shooting techniques
Extreme close quarters shooting techniques
Close/far transitions
Weapon strikes
Required Gear:
Serviceable handgun and magazines (2-3) or speed loaders (2-3)
Handgun carry gear (we recommend your daily carry holster and gear)
500 rounds of ammunition (*Note, this is an estimated quantity due to the unique flexibility of the program, students may shoot more or less)
10 rounds of dummy ammunition (your caliber)
Concealing garment (if you carry concealed)
Firearms rated eye and ear protection
Personal comfort items (chair, water, snacks, sunscreen, etc.)
Notebook and pen